COVID-19, Work From Home Day 10

We had a bit of a scare at the beginning of the week. Turns out everyone is healthy and doing fine, if a bit cooped up. We’ve been making a point to briefly get outside and go around the block several times. Olessia took D out to the beach today. I’ve been working from home.

Today the governor of New York stated non-essential businesses are to close and if they don’t, they’ll be fined. Self quarantine is recommended and to keep a distance of 6 feet from non-family members.

Olessia has been great carrying for D. He’s getting all the attention he could want. He’s bummed I have to work a full day and not just an hour. The situation is, as I’ve heard some say, “a hot mess,” it’s been a full week where I’ve been able to sit down with family and have breakfast, lunch, and dinner all together. Now and then throughout the day, I get to take a break and play with D (Lego, a video game, etc). Although I’ve worked from home before, D would be at daycare.

The weather is getting nicer here. It’s going to be tough to stay inside. I wish our balcony was bigger (it’s big enough to stand on, but not big enough to easily sit). It will be nice to continue to explore the city, smells, and food. But that will have to wait.

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