Central Park to Play

I took D to Central Park today. We went to the Adventure Park so he could play in the sand and the water. After have a good time, we went and got some NYC slices over at Francesco’s Pizza. He seemed to enjoy his cheese slice. Then off to Magnolia’s Bakery for a cup cake. D picked out his cup cake. Then he managed to lick the icing off without eating the cake part. Then it was back to Central Park to see the horses.

I took D’s scooter so I think today was his first time in Manhattan scooting around. It was a bit of a challenge for both of us. He had a lot more people and dogs to navigate around. It was a bit tricky for me to keep an eye on him. He’d run off and get half way down the block and with so many people, I’d lose site of him (free-range parenting?).

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