Briarwood Family Fun Day

Briarwood had their Family Fun Day today. It was trying to rain and drizzle, yet there was as great turn out. There were games, contests, free pizza, free snow cones, apples and oranges, and all of the kid activities such as bounce houses and climbing walls were free. There was a DJ playing some jams and bunches of people dancing (Olessia included!). Curious George showed up which D loved and followed around. Charlie the ice cream truck driver showed up and we got some ice cream (wasn’t free but was worth it). We met up with friends and neighbors and had a great time!

This was D’s first time in a bounce house and maybe the first time he’s been to an event with a DJ and dance music going. It might have been his first time having a snow cone too.

If you’d like to see more, I have more posted here:

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