Calc 2 crash and burn

Yup. Crashed and burned in calculus 2. Went down with a big fire ball and flames. Scored a nice 34 points out of 100 on the exam. Thank you for the mercy points! There’s no way to recover from that.

The current plan?

I’m going to take 1 semester for a break from calculus and actually try taking a computer science class for once! No really! My last computer science class was assembler and that was back in spring 2002 (wow – 3 years ago!). I’m a bit cooked on the idea of calculus so I’m going to try some data structures and algorithms and then swing back to calc 2.

Oh yeah, the average grade on that exam? 51 points with an even distro of people from 0 to 100 points (meaning no bell curve).

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