Test #3 Over!

Whew! That test was a real Head Scratcher™. One hundred points spread across 13 problems. One of my favorites:

Cyndi rides her bike going 40 feet per second. She applies the brakes. Her bike slows at 4 feet per second. How far will her bike travel before it comes to a complete stop?

With a question like this, you have to be thankful all the units are the same (the speed could have been miles per hour requiring conversion to feet per second – easy to miss if you’re not careful).

Another fun one was Andy is in a row boat and is 3 miles from shore. He sees smoke pouring out of his house which is 6 miles down the road from the point he is to shore. What is the shortest amount of time for Andy to reach his house if he rows 4mph and can run 6mph?

For those keeping score, there are only 1 quiz, 1 test, and 1 final exam left. This equates to 20 points + 100 points + 200 points or 320 points up for grabs out of 750 total points.

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