Ugly IE security issues

Glad I’m using Firefox and Mozilla!

Here’s the specs on the two for one special compromise: Compromised Web Sites Infect Web Surfers

And here’s the second one that listens for SSL connections and records the password info BEFORE getting encrypted: BHO scanning tool and New Scam Targets Bank Customers

For those of you using IE, I might recommend switching. Although its your computer, your passwords, your data, and your money – do as you please!
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Its 2am. Will my PHP code parse?

Looks like I can still code and debug at wacky hours of the night. Or, at least I still think I can! (I better double check my code.) got updated this evening.

Had an idea brewing for the past month or so and hadn’t been able to get it to percolate. For some reason, this afternoon it materialized and in an almost crystal clear form. Odd. They usually don’t come to me like that. Sadly, I was busy with and didn’t get a chance to hammer away at my idea.

I managed to get some packing done (can you find the lizard in the pic?).
Continue reading “Its 2am. Will my PHP code parse?”

Dual GPSs

So back in 2000 I picked up Rand McNally’s “Deluxe” bundle which included TripMaker, StreetFinder, and a GPS unit. The 3 worked well together and I was pleasantly surprised how accurate and quickly the GPS unit would lock on. This setup navigated me out of some funky Miami neighborhoods.

Fast forward to today and I find the 2000 edition doesn’t run well on XP (even their GPS unit doesn’t work with their software). Their GPS unit does work with Netstumbler. So I picked up the Rand McNally’s 2004 edition and still no go. Contacted tech support and no luck there either. I bought Delorme’s Streets & Maps (or something like that) which came bundled with their GPS unit. The software has taken a little bit of time to get used to, but is surprisingly easy to use. The voice prompting works well although gets a little lost in with all the noise in the car (patching it through to the cassette deck works well).

So now I have 2 GPS units. Delorme’s Earthmate seems to work well across all my software. But what will I do with the Rand McNally one? Wardrive! The Rand McNally unit still works with Netstumbler and I leave it on COM2. I’ve got the Earthmate setup on COM4. Now when I wardrive, I can plot the WAPs and keep track of where I’ve been on the map. Is it practical? Heck no! But still a lot of fun!
Continue reading “Dual GPSs”

Triangle Solver

More or less a beta version (its been tested, but not stress tested). Its coded for the TI-89. The ASCII/Text versions are posted as well in case someone has the urge to convert it for another calculator. Its been a while since I’ve done any TI BASIC coding so this was hammered out without too much thought in organizing the code.

Text version
TI ASCII Program version
TI-89 Program (right-click and save-as)

To use, just provide 3 parts of the triangle and the program will calculate the other 3 parts. If there’s 2 solutions available, it will produce the 2nd solution as well.
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Trig Formulas Online

I finally got around to posting my collection of trig formulas (handy for pre-calc). You can find them here:

Pre-Calc Trig Formulas (TI-89 text file) – or – PC text version – You’ll need to use a TI font (such as TI-92 Mini Sans) to view on your PC. But in theory, may transfer over without problems on to other TIs (such as TI-85,83,82,etc). Just copy the text (with all the goofy characters) over to the TI GraphLink Program Editor and save it as a program (it won’t run so you’ll need to go to Program Edit on your calculator)

Continue reading “Trig Formulas Online”