NYC COVID-19 Numbers, Day ?

I think today is the first time at seeing a glimmer of hope. The number of hospitalizations and intubations have been trending down for the last couple days. The true test is to see if they continue to trend down over the next week or so. We got luck with an Amazon order earlier this week. I ended up staying up till near midnight to finally get a delivery time slot for Amazon Fresh. We received the delivery just fine. I tried to place another order since we forgot a bunch of items and no luck. Olessia had ventured out … Continue reading NYC COVID-19 Numbers, Day ?

NYC COVID-19, Wednesday

I’ve kind of given up on counting the days… This is going to take a while. They say the first NYC case of COVID-19 was around March 1st (a month ago). It was around March 10th when word came at the office that if we could work from home, to work from home. I was in the office on the 11th. I didn’t realize that would be the last time I’d be there for a good while. Fortunately, there wasn’t much I needed from there that I could find at home or order. We’ve been inside most of this time. … Continue reading NYC COVID-19, Wednesday

COVID-19, Work From Home Day 10

We had a bit of a scare at the beginning of the week. Turns out everyone is healthy and doing fine, if a bit cooped up. We’ve been making a point to briefly get outside and go around the block several times. Olessia took D out to the beach today. I’ve been working from home. Today the governor of New York stated non-essential businesses are to close and if they don’t, they’ll be fined. Self quarantine is recommended and to keep a distance of 6 feet from non-family members. Olessia has been great carrying for D. He’s getting all the … Continue reading COVID-19, Work From Home Day 10

COVID-19, Day 1 Work From Home

I’ve opted, for the safety of my family, to switch to working from home today. The trains and platforms were pretty full yesterday. It just adds unnecessary risk. I’m very fortunate the work I do can be done from just about anywhere. So today was spent getting work as well as settling in a more robust work space than the couch I’ve been using for one-off work from homes. So far D is still going to pre-k. He just started martial arts training this week and I got to watch him train today. As far as we know, he will … Continue reading COVID-19, Day 1 Work From Home