School – status update

Russian class is going pretty well. I’ve had a number of one on one classes now. Some of it is getting a bit foggy due to all the word ending changes.

My computer science class has had its ups and downs. I did a great job bombing the last test. My mind was elsewhere for the exam. I think its safe for me to post the code to program 3. I rounded up 6 bonus points on that program. If I heard correctly, my program was the only one to handle all 5 test cases properly. Program 4, the last one of the semester is about done. Its functional and could probably be turned in as is. But I’m going to poke at it and polish it up a bit. This time I documented the snot out of it while WRITING the code, versus last time when I wrote the code and then went back to document it (that sucked).

I’m working on testing out of Applied Internet programming. The paperwork has all the needed signatures, I just need to pay up and take the exams.

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